Fentanyl Addiction Treatment (Rehab and Detox)

If you are struggling with fentanyl addiction, it is absolutely vital that you seek help as soon as possible. Fentanyl is an incredibly dangerous drug, and the risk of overdose and other life-threatening issues is enormous. At Sanctuary Lodge, we specialise in providing effective fentanyl addiction treatment to help you through the challenges of recovery. Our three-step process provides a comprehensive approach with a blend of cutting-edge therapies and empathetic care. It is designed to meet you where you are, offering proven strategies for overcoming opioid addiction and fostering long-term health and happiness.

First step: Fentanyl detox

Fentanyl detox is a critical and potentially life-saving first step of treatment for fentanyl addiction. Fentanyl is incredibly potent, with chronic use often creating a powerful physical dependence more quickly than other substances. This dependence means your body may significantly struggle to operate normally without the drug’s presence, with intense fentanyl withdrawal symptoms emerging when you quit.

Medically observed detox is essential to manage these symptoms safely and effectively while your body adjusts to the lack of fentanyl it has grown accustomed to. This breaks physical dependence on fentanyl and kick-starts the healing process.

During the opioid detox process at Sanctuary Lodge, you will be supported by a medical team equipped to provide all the necessary care. The benefits of our fentanyl detox programmes include:

  • Close medical monitoring for any health complications,
  • Medication to alleviate discomfort and keep you safe
  • Personal medical evaluation and tailored fentanyl detox plan
  • Emotional and psychological support
  • Smooth progression to the next steps of fentanyl addiction treatment

Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms

Before you begin fentanyl detox, understanding the potential withdrawal symptoms you may experience can help you prepare. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms can be intense and potentially even dangerous due to its potency and effects on your brain and body. These may include:

  • Physical discomfort: Physical fentanyl withdrawal symptoms can range from severe muscle aches and sweating to tremors and gastrointestinal upset, such as nausea and diarrhoea. These are indicators that your body is beginning to purge fentanyl from its systems and adjusting to its absence.
  • Emotional volatility: Fentanyl withdrawal can deeply affect your mood and emotional well-being as your brain chemistry begins to recalibrate. This means it is common to experience heightened feelings of anxiety and depression during fentanyl detox.
  • Sleep issues: Insomnia and disturbances in your sleep pattern are likely, given fentanyl’s impact on your brain’s sleep regulators. Gradually, however, your body will relearn how to achieve restful sleep naturally without the need for fentanyl’s sedative effects.
  • Fentanyl cravings: The psychological urge to use fentanyl again can be strong, driven by your body’s memory of the drug’s effects. Managing fentanyl cravings is a critical part of the detox process, often requiring both medical and psychological support.

The potential severity of these fentanyl withdrawal symptoms highlights the necessity for a medically supervised detox. Sanctuary Lodge’s supportive environment will ensure you receive the care you need to safeguard your health as you take this significant step towards recovery.

How long does it take to detox from fentanyl?

The length of fentanyl withdrawal can vary a lot between different people. Some of the contributing factors include how much fentanyl you have been using, how long you have been using it, the general state of your health and your reaction to fentanyl detox. However, the following fentanyl withdrawal timeline can be a good indicator of what to expect:

  • Initial 12-30 hours: Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms can manifest sooner than many other opioids due to its potency. Early symptoms often include anxiety, muscle aches and sleep disturbances.
  • Days 1-3: As fentanyl withdrawal progresses, symptoms typically reach their peak intensity during these days. At this point, you may experience severe physical discomfort, including nausea, sweating and tremors, alongside intense cravings for fentanyl.
  • Week 1 onwards: While the most severe physical symptoms generally start to lessen after the first week, psychological symptoms such as depression and cravings can persist, requiring ongoing support.
  • Weeks 2-4: This phase often involves continued improvement in physical health, though some people may still struggle with psychological symptoms. Supportive care and therapy play a vital role in managing these ongoing challenges.
  • Month two onwards: In rare cases, you may experience some prolonged fentanyl withdrawal symptoms, particularly psychological ones. These are known as PAWS (post-acute withdrawal symptoms) and may require ongoing medical support from your fentanyl detox team, GP and other healthcare providers.

The extended nature of the fentanyl withdrawal timeline serves as a reminder of the critical role that a structured detox and rehab programme can play in ensuring safety and success. Speak to Sanctuary Lodge today to learn more about how we can support you through the fentanyl detox process.

Second step: Fentanyl rehab

Fentanyl rehab is step two of Sanctuary Lodge’s treatment for fentanyl addiction. It focuses on the psychological elements of fentanyl abuse and dependency that detox alone cannot address.

The goal of fentanyl rehab is to explore the root causes of your drug use and provide strategies for managing life without turning to fentanyl. This stage is vital for achieving lasting recovery as it helps you develop the resilience and skills needed to face the challenges that appear in everyday life.

Fentanyl rehab at Sanctuary Lodge is provided as inpatient treatment to give you the time and space needed to focus on recovery. Our opioid rehab programmes are designed to lay the groundwork for lifelong sobriety and give you the tools you need to stay sober. Key benefits of fentanyl rehab at Sanctuary Lodge include:

  • Immersive inpatient treatment
  • Shielding from daily pressures
  • The opportunity to build bonds with fellow recoverees and staff
  • The gift of time for personal growth
  • Diverse approaches to healing
  • Aftercare support and relapse prevention planning

This approach gives you the best possible chance at a successful initial recovery and an effective arsenal for a lifetime of abstinence.

Fentanyl rehab therapy

Sanctuary Lodge’s fentanyl rehab therapy programmes bring together the most effective traditional therapies with empowering holistic treatments. It is designed to leave no stone unturned, helping you heal on every level. Some of our most important fentanyl rehab therapies include:

One-to-one therapy
One-on-one therapy provides a private setting to explore the depths of your fentanyl use and its impact on your life. It is an opportunity to heal and grow with the support of one of our dedicated therapists.
Group therapy
Participating in group therapy allows you to share your recovery journey with your peers, with everyone offering and receiving support. It is a space where collective wisdom enriches your own path to sobriety, helping you feel less isolated and giving you the chance to learn from others.
Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)
DBT can be instrumental in your recovery journey, illuminating the intricate relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It provides powerful tools to develop coping mechanisms for managing fentanyl cravings and triggers with effectiveness and resilience.
Holistic therapy
Incorporating holistic therapies into our fentanyl rehab programmes allows us to address your emotional and spiritual needs. Activities like meditation and creative arts offer avenues for stress relief and self-discovery, while yoga and even exercise can help with physical tension and promote relaxation.
Family therapy
Healing relationships damaged by fentanyl use is a critical part of effective treatment for fentanyl addiction. Family therapy helps mend these bonds, creating a supportive network crucial for your long-term recovery.

Third step: Fentanyl relapse prevention

The journey doesn’t end after fentanyl detox and rehab. Relapse prevention is the last but equally important step of Sanctuary Lodge’s fentanyl addiction treatment programme. It is a stage where you apply your new skills to real-life challenges, with effective strategies including:

  • Trigger identification and management
  • Coping strategy development
  • Support network building
  • Healthy lifestyle changes

Sanctuary Lodge will help you plan for your transition back to normal life and also provides all our clients with free group therapy for a year through our aftercare programme. This ensures you have a sounding board, advice and encouragement as you face the world in your new, sober life.

Crucially, relapse prevention is about more than just avoiding substance use; it is about building a life so full and fulfilling that there’s no room for fentanyl, supported by a community that believes in your power to succeed.

Begin fentanyl addiction treatment today

Sanctuary Lodge offers a safe haven for healing, with a specialised programme designed to address the complexities of fentanyl addiction treatment. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to provide each of the critical stages of treatment, all aimed at helping you build a resilient, fentanyl-free life.

The journey towards recovery starts with a single step. Take that step today with Sanctuary Lodge and begin the process of reclaiming your life. Contact us today to find out more.


How long does fentanyl addiction treatment take?
Recovering from fentanyl addiction varies greatly from person to person, depending on factors like the duration and intensity of your fentanyl use, your overall health and if you have other physical or mental health issues. At Sanctuary Lodge, treatment can last from two weeks to three months and includes a mix of detoxification, rehab therapy and aftercare. Working closely with healthcare professionals to choose the right length of treatment is essential for successful recovery.

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