A 2023 World Health Organisation report states that the ‘global supply of cocaine is at record levels.’ This indic …

Crack cocaine and powder cocaine are the same drugs in different forms. Most people think that powder cocaine is les …

There are many ways an addiction to crack cocaine can impact someone’s life. These can be long or short-term, beha …

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant with anaesthetic properties and an extremely long history of use and abuse. Its ability …


Completing cocaine rehab marks a milestone in the journey to recovery. However, the real challenge lies in t …

When talking about addiction, the consequences extend far beyond the individual, reaching into the lives of those mo …

Around 2% of adults between the age of 16 to 59 used cocaine in 2022. This rises to 4% among young adults (those bet …

The glitz and glamour of Hollywood presents a world of fame, fortune and larger-than-life personas. Yet, beneath …

What is Neurology and why is it Important?
Neurology is the scientific study of the central nervous system. It sp …

Few substances in medical history have undergone such a dramatic transformation as cocaine. It used to be availa …

In the bustling world of corporate pressures, cut-throat deals and giant bonuses, a hidden shadow is fuelling it …

Cocaine, a potent and addictive stimulant, has long held a prominent place in popular culture, often glamorised …

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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 811 7325